
Monique is resilient. She is a mother of eight, has many years’ experience serving as site supervisors for children’s centers, and the tables turned when her husband became disabled and the birth of a baby left the family without income. Over 10 years ago, Interfaith helped pay for rent, and steered her toward educational options. Monique shares with us her turbulent journey overcoming homelessness, domestic violence and losing custody of her kids.  Monique is deeply inspiring, resilient and strong and is achieving great goals in supporting families and children overcoming trauma.  “Our past does not define us, our past strengthens us to learn from our different experiences, to help others, it’s empowering, and you can do great things in the world.”  Indeed, Monique is doing great things in the world.

Josh Roberts/ Change Your Mind

Josh Roberts

Join us in listening to Josh’s inspiring personal and professional journey in this podcast and at our upcoming Change Your Mind Mental Health Expo on September 10th. Born and raised in South Africa, Josh’s extensive travels include ventures deep into the state of mind called bipolar type 1. Josh combines his lived mental health experience with his education in psychology (BA from the University of South Africa) and theology (MA from Fuller Theological Seminary) to create a synergy between the inner and outer worlds. By combining insights from Western perspectives (science, psychology, and philosophy) with insights from Non-Western perspectives (traditional cultures, spirituality, and mysteries), the goal is to reframe your identity away from self-stigma, towards post-traumatic growth, and the potential gifts of your neurodiverse mind. Josh and his wife run Inspired Mind Mental Health. Josh works with Interfaith and NAMI in supporting those most affected by mental health struggles, including people who are unsheltered.

Join us on September 10th at our Change Your Mind Mental Health Expo so that you can participate in great workshops and presentations by leaders like Josh. Change Your Mind

Josh is an ongoing speaker at Interfaith’s Faith-Based Mental Health Academy. We provide a San Diego County sponsored training on Faith and Mental Health for faith leaders and mental health professionals. Learn what mental illness is, how to support those who are suffering, where they can receive treatment and how faith communities can become a part of their recovery. To learn more about the training and community education programs offered in English and Spanish, visit Faith-Based Mental Health Academy

Ashley's Hope

Lynn Solorzano, Founder and President of Ashley’s Hope.  Lynn started this non-profit in memory of her daughter, Ashley.  Ashley was only 25 and homeless.  She passed away after 8 years living on the streets of San Diego.  The mission of Ashley’s Hope is to provide people struggling with homeless-related issues dignity, respect and most importantly, hope.  Lynn is providing all Interfaith locations with clean, gently used clothing on a regular basis.

Learn More About Ashley’s Hope:

Randy's Story

Randy and his wife were living off of social security, in an unsafe housing situation, and on the verge of eviction.  In 2021, Interfaith Community Services connected with them via our Home Safe Program, a homelessness prevention program for Seniors in our community.

When asked why Randy chose to be a guest on our podcast, he shared

“I was in a situation for a year when I saw no way out.  I did not know about Interfaith, and I just can’t believe what they did for us, or that it was even possible.  It was like a miracle. I get up every day giving thanks for it. Interfaith really takes good care of you and makes sure you are doing ok all the time. They don’t just say here you are…they make sure you continue to do ok.”  

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This is our last episode for Season 2. We look forward to you joining us again for Season 3 this Summer!

Levi's Story (Part 2)

Joining us for this two-part podcast series, Levi Giafaglione reflects on his journey overcoming homelessness, his experience working in social services agency and exploring land investments. Levi invites us to consider how each of us can be change makers. If you have not already, tune into the previous podcast for a series you won’t want to miss!

Levi's Story

Meet Levi Giafaglione. Three years ago he started listening to our podcast and set a goal of one day being a guest and sharing his own experiences and reflections on overcoming homelessness. Levi has now made that goal a reality, and we are proud to be able to share his personal story and the various challenges he faced while living in “survival mode”. Tune in to hear about Levi’s struggles with homelessness and stay tuned for the next recording where he will be sharing his amazing success journey. This is a podcast you won’t want to miss!

giv4, Homelessness in San Diego initiative

Join us for an invaluable conversation discussing homelessness and giv4, an initiative of the Jewish Community Foundation San Diego and twelve curated local nonprofits confronting homelessness in San Diego.  The goal of giv4 is to learn about homelessness, the affordable housing crisis and different solutions in San Diego County.  Two of the twelve organizations receiving funding from this collective effort are Interfaith Community Services and HEAL, Homeless Experienced Advocacy & Leadership.  Ollie Benn, Director of Philanthropy and Social Impact at Jewish Community Foundation San Diego, joins Greg Anglea and Vanessa Graziano, representatives of two of the organizations in this inspiring conversation you do not want to miss. 


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Learn more about giv4:

Vanessa's Story

Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, along with Interfaith colleague Shira Jacobs, welcome you to the Homeless in San Diego Podcast. Joining us today is Vanessa.

A few years ago, Vanessa lived in her car and lost her three children while she battled addiction. In her own healing process, she started a non-profit program, Oceanside Homeless Resource, now also called “Love on the ground.”  Listen to Vanessa’s powerful story about hope, love, compassion, open hearts and minds.  In Vanessa’s own words, “Let us walk together and be love on the ground.”

Contact Us:

Learn more about HEAL, Homeless-Experienced Advocacy & Leadership Network:

Safe Villages

Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, welcomes you to the Homeless in San Diego Podcast. Joining us today is John Brady and Levi who share a bit about their lived unsheltered experiences and their strong recommendation for San Diego community members supporting people-centered solutions including Safe Villages.

There is growing discussion in San Diego around the need to create safe villages, either as alternatives to traditional shelter or addressing our need to increase capacity as the shelters are full. This is a conversation you do not want to miss.

Housing Our Youth

Please join us in listening to our inspiring conversation with David Baker and Justin Lipford.  David serves as the Program Director for Housing Our Youth at the YMCA of San Diego County. David has previously been a guest on our podcast (March and April 2019), sharing his personal journey experiencing generational homelessness and inspiring others to elevate their voices for change.  David’s advocacy work focuses on matters of equity and access for young adults. Justin serves as the Director of Community Engagement for YMCA’s Community Support Services in San Diego, and is passionate about connecting young adults to the resources necessary to flourish.  


Contact Interfaith Community Services:

Call (760) 489-6380 to speak with a Case Manager Weekdays from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. For emergency services during non-business hours, please call 211. 

Contact David Baker: 760.908.9126 | 

Housing Our Youth is a program that provides specialized assistance to young adults up to the age of 24 who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness. The program is designed to intercept youth experiencing homelessness and provide them with emergency housing and wraparound support, while simultaneously searching for more permanent and stable housing options.