Reverend Meg Decker, Interfaith Board Chair
On this episode of ‘Homeless in San Diego: Real People, Real Stories,’ host Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, is joined by Reverend Meg Decker, Board Chair at Interfaith and leader of Trinity Episcopal Church in Escondido. As the ‘boss lady’ Rev. Meg discusses her experiences volunteering at Interfaith’s Haven House Shelter, sharing conversations with residents over their pancakes with sporks, and also speaks to her role as Board Chair, making tough decisions that directly impact those residents. Greg and Meg discuss how our neighbors experiencing homelessness truly have to fight back and the interesting conversation that results shows us that life is meant for more.
Calls to Action:
If you’re clergy, Interfaith needs more volunteer chaplains! Learn more at
Serve a meal at Interfaith’s Haven House Shelter. All of our dinners are made and served by volunteer groups and families! The current openings are listed here
Donate to Offering Hope in Housing. You can be the difference in ending someones homelessness. Click here to donate and select “Hope in Housing”