Tracy and Max at Interfaith’s Hawthorne Veteran and Family Resource Center
On this episode of ‘Homeless in San Diego: Real People, Real Stories,’ host Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services, is joined by Tracy, a Navy Veteran and graduate of Interfaith’s Recuperative Care Program located at our Hawthorne Veteran and Family Resource Center. Tracy also introduces Max, his loyal companion and the first service dog to live at the Recuperative Care center (and to come on the podcast!), as well as his son, Caleb, who is inspired by and proud of his dad’s journey.
Tracy with his son, Caleb at his graduation.
When Tracy first came to Interfaith, he was living in his car and struggling to treat his PTSD and schizophrenia. When he was offered a way out of homelessness through Recuperative Care, Tracy was skeptical of accepting the help. Tracy shares how grateful he is that he did and how Interfaith truly turned his life around.
Calls to Action:
Read the VOSD article Greg mentions about Interfaith’s Recuperative Care Program: New State Law Is Forcing San Diego to Grapple with It’s Lack of Recovery Options for Homeless Patients
“Give financially, help more patients, and help more vets in Recuperative Care get back on their feet… Give to Interfaith’s Recuperative Care, they help many people everyday,” - Tracy. Click here to donate
Get involved in volunteer roles at Recuperative Care. Click here to learn more
“I would challenge people to enter professions to help get people out of homelessness,” - Caleb